Formerly a software engineer at freelancer.com. In my free time, I enjoy playing playing computer games (Witcher 3, Civilization 6, etc), investigating math topics and sprinting/gymnastics. I'm passionate about math, programming and markets.
Some statistics
Rubiks cube best time
52%, 13s
5100m best time
42%, 12.7s
9.58sReads of bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf
20%, three
15 and beyondWorks:
Markowitz (mean-variance) Portfolio Optimization
Linear AlgebraModern Portfolio Theory

Markowitz mean-variance portfolio analysis applied to 12 large stocks and an example risk-free bond.
Game Theory Playground (basic)
Game TheoryReact

A webpage that presents fundamental concepts in game theory within interactive mini games, enabling users to experiment with different strategies and outcomes.
DeFi AMMs Compared
Decentralized FinancePython

Simple code examples of the Automated Market Makers (AMMs) and underlying math used within Uniswap v1 and v3.
Did I Meet You Protocol

A client-server application layer network protocol that uses broadcasts and intelligent data structures to track the spread of a virus.